Room layout is the mandatory procedure that is carried out before beginning construction or repair. The bathroom is no exception.
Creation of a bathroom layout is a very demanding process. Any mistake can result in a lot of wasted money and time. The main characteristics that are to be considered during this process are the size of a bathroom and location of utilities necessary for the correct functioning of the bathroom.
Redevelopment Process
You should definitely pay your attention to alterations. It is usually caused by inconvenience of operation of the bathroom and the toilet.
As usual, there are two types of redevelopment:
- Connection of bathroom and toilet;
- Conversely, the separation of bath and toilet.
In the first case it is necessary to demolish the wall and replace one door with wall, and vice versa in the second case.
In any case, the main objective of planning and redevelopment is the creation of a comfortable bathroom with beautiful interior design. And the secret of success in this matter lies in a single simple truth - the proper, rational and wise use the living space of the bathroom.
This process primarily involves the planning of the location of the main elements of the bathroom: basin, shower cubicle, mirror, the bath, the toilet (if present), boiler, etc. Then you need to plan and conveniently place additional elements of the bathroom, such as: washing machine, cabinets, shelves, dryers, and towel racks, etc. The best material for the decoration is tile. The tile in the bathroom is chosen in one or several colors, and sets the overall mood of the room. On the floor you should use non-slippery tiles.
The main goal of redevelopment process is to arrange as much necessary elements as possible, while leaving maximum free space. But before positioning, you still need to choose the right elements, such that they were not boring, and Vice versa - were stylish and comfortable. We say so because it is understood that the bathroom planning occurs in confined spaces.
If your bathroom has an area of more than 5x5 meters, planning will be slightly different. Important here is not optimality and ease and primarily, but the beauty, originality and convenience.
But this does not mean that small bathrooms can't be beautiful! In interior design process art and taste are much more important than size. If you have a subtle sense of beauty and light even a small bathroom will be great after its redevelopment!